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What is G-Eazy’s full name? 
Gerald Earl Gillum
When is Gerald’s Birthday/How old is he?
May 24, 1989 - 27 Years Old
Is Gerald dating Devon Baldwin?
Not at the moment. However, it is none of our business & we should support both individuals
How Tall is Gerald?
He is 6’4
When did Gerald start making music?
Since 2007
G-Eazy’s Personality: Explained
Intro/Getting To Know G-Eazy (x)


Are these your own opinions? Nope but I can agree with some of them
When was this blog active? January 5, 2015 - Present
Do you post every kind of confession?
I am restricting certain confessions regarding death threats, a large amount of bashing, weight related issues (in particular “fat”), one’s sexuality, or racist content.
Why wasn’t my confession posted by now?
It’s most likely queued/scheduled or it was deleted due to certain guidelines above^^ (.. or perhaps I blocked you in the past & you’re restricted from sending me further messages)

DISCLAIMER - G-Eazy Confessions claim no credit for content unless stated otherwise. All resources belong to their respectful owners. Credit/source may be found by clicking on the content or through tags. If there is any content appearing on this blog that belongs to you & do not wish for it appear on this site, please message us with a link to say which post & it will be promptly removed.
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